HUD has updated the previously announced release of TRACS 203A. The original release date of Fall, 2018 has been pushed back to February 1, 2019. The implementation period will be February 1, 2019 – June 30, 2019.
This change has been made to ensure that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has the appropriate time to approve new and revised HUD forms and address the public comment on the collection of information from the public.
TRACS 203A will maximize efficiency within the Multifamily rental assistance programs. There are six key areas which will be affected by the release of TRACS 203A. They are:
- Race and Ethnic Data Reporting under Executive Order 13515 – Asian American and Pacific Islander Community
- TRACS Business Edit to Ensure Extreme Low Income Requirements for 811 PRA Demonstration Program
- TRACS User Security Recertification to meet Federal Information Security Modernization Act regulations
- Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Data Reporting for Tenant Payments Exceeding Total Tenant Payment (TTP)
- Repayment Agreement Data Collection (Update HUD Form 52670A – Part 6 Repayment Agreements) to meet the Improper Payments Elimination & Recovery Improvement Act (IPERA) regulations
- Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Program (Record and Track tenant escrow accounts)
For more information: