Closing Your MOR

Webinar Date: Thursday, October 29th at 10:00am – 12:00pm PDT Length: Two Hours Limited-Seats – Reserve Your Spot Today! Closing your MOR This is for those who have had their MOR and have received findings. In this two hour webinar, we will go over how to quickly and effectively resolve findings that will allow you…

Become an EIV expert! Webinar (Part 2 ONLY)

Webinar Date: Tuesday, April 13th, at 10:00AM PDT Length: 1 Hour Limited-Seats – Reserve Your Spot Today! Part 2: Become an EIV expert Policy, Required Documentation for Coordinators and Users and MOR Findings This session will cover: Documents that need to be in your Master Binder What needs to be included in your HUD required…

Become an EIV expert! Webinar (Part 1 ONLY)

Webinar Date: Thursday, March 25th, at 10:00AM PDT Length: 2 Hours (Plus, a Q&A Session at the End) Limited-Seats – Reserve Your Spot Today! Part 1: Become an EIV expert: EIV – Reports HUD requires all properties to use EIV in its entirety. In Part 1 of this webinar series, you will learn the following:…

Become an EIV expert! Webinar (Part 1 & Part 2 BUNDLED)

Part 1: EIV – Reports Part 1 – Webinar Date: Tuesday, September 15th, at 10:00AM PDT Part 1 – Length: 2 Hours (Plus, a Question & Answer Session at the End) Only want to register for Part 1? Click here. Part 2: EIV – Policy and required documentation for Coordinators and Users, MOR findings Part 2…

REAC Inspections and MORs – Return to Operations Webinar

In this one hour webinar we discuss REAC Inspections and MORs. REAC Inspections and Management and Occupancy Review (MORs) were suspended in March, 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. But, HUD has started to allow Contract Administrators to begin conducting MORs again and REAC is in the process of starting Physical Inspections back up. Topics the…

Electronic Signatures, Transmission and Storage Webinar

Topics the class will cover: Define what is an Electronic Signature; Identify when and how they can be used with Residents and HUD/Contract Administrators Discuss the security requirements of Electronic Signatures, Document Transmission and Storage Allow you to determine if the use of Electronic Signatures, Transmission and Storage will be beneficial to your property Upon…

MOR’s 101 – Webinar

Webinar Date: Wednesday, June 23rd at 10:00am – 11:00am PDT Length: One Hour Limited-Seats – Reserve Your Spot Today! MOR’s 101 MOR’s are an essential tool for HUD to evaluate a property performance. For new Property Managers, it can be an intimidating activity. This session will: Help you understand all of the pieces of the…

Rent Comparability Studies (RCS) – Webinar

Webinar Date: Wednesday, June 16th at 10:00am – 11:00am PDT Length: One Hour Limited-Seats – Reserve Your Spot Today! Rent Comparability Studies (RCS) Are you getting all the rent you are entitled to? HUD requires most Section 8 project-based contracts to submit a Rent Comparability Study with the contract renewal to demonstrate that current rents…

Love ‘Em or Hate ‘Em – Interim Recertifications (IR) – Webinar

Webinar Date: Tuesday, June 15th at 10:00am – 11:00am PDT Length: One Hour Limited-Seats – Reserve Your Spot Today! Love ‘Em or Hate ‘Em – Interim Recertifications (IR) New Income, Loss of Income, changes in family composition – Changes happen! After this session, you will: Understand the IR process; How to execute the IR correctly…

Automatic Operating Cost Adjustment (Auto OCAF) – Webinar

Webinar Date: Tuesday, June 8th at 10:00am – 11:00am PDT Length: One Hour Limited-Seats – Reserve Your Spot Today! Automatic Operating Cost Adjustment (Auto OCAF) HUD provides annual rent adjustments of the current contract Rent for some Section 8 Contracts by applying the HUD Operating Cost Adjustment Factor (OCAF) annually. After this session, you will…

Utility Allowance Baseline Calculation – Webinar

Webinar Date: Tuesday, June 22nd at 10:00am – 11:00am PDT Length: One Hour Limited-Seats – Reserve Your Spot Today! Utility Allowance Baseline Calculation HUD requires properties to create a Baseline Utility Allowance Calculation every three years. E3 Housing has created a new tool to assist you in this process and will demonstrate it here. This…

Contract Renewal Mastery Class (3-Part Webinar Series)

Contract Renewal Mastery Class Do you prepare the Contract Renewals for your property or property management company? If so, this Mastery Class is designed for you! Learn not only the different Contract Options available and how to determine the best one for the property, but what is needed to have a complete submission packet to…

Pets vs. Assistance Animals Webinar

Webinar Date: Tuesday, April 27th at 10:00am – 11:00am PDT Length: One Hour Limited-Seats – Reserve Your Spot Today! Pets vs. Assistance Animals We know that we must accommodate Assistance Animals on our properties, but when is an animal a pet and when is it considered an assistance Animal? HUD/FHEO issued new guidance in 2020…

Electronic File Reviews Webinar

Webinar Date: Tuesday, April 20th at 10:00am – 11:00am PDT Length: One Hour Limited-Seats – Reserve Your Spot Today! Electronic File Reviews With offices closed and social distancing enforced, the standard method of performing Management and Occupancy Reviews has forced us to rethink our procedures. Though not HUD mandated, many government agencies have adopted Remote…

House Rules – Webinar

Webinar Date: Thursday, February 18th at 10:00am – 11:00am PDT Length: One Hour Limited-Seats – Reserve Your Spot Today! House Rules Though not required by HUD, House Rules are helpful in providing structure for treating residents equitably and are beneficial in keeping the property safe and clean. In this session, we will review what House…

Special Claims for Vacancy Losses Webinar

Webinar Date: Thursday, February 11th, at 10:00AM PST Limited-Seats – Reserve Your Spot Today! Length: 30 Minutes Special Claims for Vacancy Losses Webinar HUD allows for special claims to be filed for the loss of rental income of a unit that has been vacant for circumstances beyond the Owner’s control. With the challenges facing Managers…

Third Party Verifications – Assets / Income / Disabilities – Webinar

Webinar Date: Thursday, May 27th at 10:00am – 11:00am PDT Length: One Hour Limited-Seats – Reserve Your Spot Today! Third Party Verifications – Assets / Income / Disabilities All information provided by applicants and residents is subject to verification. This session will go over what information needs to be verified, what forms of verification are…

Managing your Waiting List – Webinar

Webinar Date: Tuesday, June 29th at 10:00am – 11:00am PDT Length: One Hour Limited-Seats – Reserve Your Spot Today! Managing Your Waiting List All properties must have a Waiting List of applicants. In this webinar, we will cover: Different types of Waiting Lists; Required Information that must appear on your Waiting List; and How to…

Applications for HUD Multifamily Properties – Webinar

While HUD does not dictate a specific form for your Housing Application, there are required elements that must be included. This session will: Review all HUD required elements; Optional elements; The difference between a Pre-Application and Full Application; and Application Rejection Letters. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate of completion.

Processing your Voucher for the HUD Multifamily Program – Webinar

Processing your Voucher The Voucher is the all-important document that HUD uses to pay you. Errors on your Vouchers can cause findings on your Management and Occupancy Review, as well as hold up your payment. In this session, we will discuss: What a Voucher is; The difference between Resident Certifications; and The MAT Guide. In…